1. What is your name ?
Jon McGuire
2. How old are you and how mature are you compared to other people the same age as you?.
I am 16. I wouldn't say I am the most mature person, but I can be when I need to be. I do have a job so I have a different view on respect and listening than most people my age.
3. Where in the world are you located and what timezone are you in?
Michigan, USA. EST, so same time as server.
4. What is your main character in-game name?
Doomdoor, Nelthalor.
5. For how long have you been playing Soulshard-wow, and how long have you played the game itself?
I've been playing Soulshard for 6 days now. I've played WoW all 8 years...
6. Have you ever been banned for any reason?
7. How much time would you put into being a member of our Staff? And how much time do you daily spend on WoW? (Be specific please : Day/Time etc.)
Er... Whenever I am not working or at church I can be on doing whatever it is I am needed for. Work times change every week but church is 10 AM - 11:45 AM on Sunday, and 7 PM - 8:30 PM on Wednesday.
8. Do you have a basic base of command knowledge? (TrinityCore based)
No but I am looking for where to start. So far when I ask people, they just tell me to not be lazy and go look it up myself.
9. Do you work well in teams?
More than on my own.
10. Explain to us what makes you suitable for the GM position.
I believe that I can come up with a lot of good ideas that can shock the players if you guys are willing to listen, and able to code it.
11. Why do you want to become a member of our Staff team and what interests you the most about the GM position?
I like the server and I want to help you guys out. Especially with calming people down. These guys spam world chat like when MoP first released and in chat it posted 4x what you said.
12. What positive additions could you make to the Server/Community, what are your good qualities?
I could host events, with permission. I am very friendly to nice people. The only people I am not friendly with are those that think they can bash me and expect me to be silent as they laugh. But as a GM I won't do so.
13. What do you think is the most important thing for a GM to do/to be?
Be friendly, professional, helpful, and understanding to the situation.
14. Are you familiar with the expression "power hungry"? If so, what does this mean to you and what can convince us that you're not that type of person?
I think that power hungry means that you are after as much as you can obtain. If I was power hungry and I was to try to take something over, I would take it bit by bit until I was able to take it over by no tiny bits being left. But I won't do anything like that. I have no reason to, and can't really prove that I am not other than by word.
15. We require all GM's to act professional at all times, this includes proper spelling and grammar, will this be a problem for you?
16. Fluent languages ?
17. A player makes a ticket repeatedly, you told him to stop making tickets but he keeps going. What do you do?
Get a higher level GM and ask for permission to temporarily ban.
18. A player made a ticket and he says that he deleted his Shadowmourne and he wants it back, what will you do?
If I can see that it was deleted, I will restore it.
19. Do you have a working microphone ? The decisive step of accepting your application is a live interview over Skype.
Yes I do!
Thanks for reading!