i can see that you do but it isnt wintrading i saw the whole chat and he admited that he did it a month ago it. and then didnt even that team exsist. and you never listen to what anyone says you normally act as a dick against everyone
i've done some research and this is what win trading is. and normally after i tell you to stop whispering me about it you should understand that you wont do it again. but you did, dont you understand why people get mad then?
http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/7789209219How the exploit work:
2 teams queing 1 team does not accept the que 2nd gets it and gains all the MMR. Then they swap and team 2 joins the game team 1 doesn't ang gets MMR and CR. The problem is when teams do not join RBG and AFK out, ALT + F4 when the que pops they do not lose any MMR or CR.
How to easy fix:
Just make people lose rating when they do not accept the que for whatever reason that is. This way it would be impossible to win trade because both teams will be stationary and won't get extra MMR since they will lose actual rating once they lose the game
Here how to spot them:
1) They do not have a lot of wins. Anything below 100 is a big red flag
2) They have close to 50% win loss ratio (lose almost same amount they win)
3) They got high ratings this season all over sudden
4) They have a very poor arena experience
Here how they try to defend themselves:
1) "We qued into bunch of win trading teams ourselves"
This is false because if they did they would have a higher win loss ratio than 50%.
2) They had a lot of losses from last season. If they did than they would be still have less skill to get high ratings or it would take them more than 100 wins to get out of MMR Rut.
The list is here up on a Blizzard's ladders:
http://us.battle.net/wow/en/pvp/battlegrounds/?page=1Anyone who has 50% win loss ration or I would say below 60% and below 100 games played is MMR exploiter.
want more? yes i can keep finding information about this if you want